Full Name
Minoru Matsubara
Job Title
Chief Sustainability Officer and Managing Executive Officer
Resona Asset Management
Speaker Bio
Mr. Matsubara has been in his current position since August 2022. Before this, he was Chief Planning Manager at the Trust Fund Management Division at Resona Bank since April 2009.

Mr. Matsubara’s membership role at government agencies includes being Chairman of the Working Group of Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century (PFA21) at the Ministry of Environment (MOE), and TCFD Working Group member for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). He was a member of the Study Group on Financing from the Private Sector to Help Corporate Initiatives for Green Transformation in Industries, which took place until December 2022.

He is currently a member of the Securities Analysts Association Seminar Planning Committee and a member of the “Sustainability Expert Committee” of the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition. Mr Matsubara leads the collaborative engagement activities in Japan, IICEF. He is a member of the Nippon Finance Association.
Minoru Matsubara