Full Name
Amanthi Perera
Job Title
General Manager - Sustainable Business
MAS Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.
Speaker Bio
A sustainability practitioner throughout her career Amanthi has been working in this field since 1999, and her work experience is in varied sectors of Sri Lanka including the NGO, Government and the Private Sector.

Amanthi currently holds the post of Head- Social Sustainability at MAS Holdings. South Asia’s largest Apparel Tech Company and has been in the core team involved with the formulation of sustainability strategy at the organization. She is also currently the point person for the United Nations Global Compact for MAS Holdings.

She began her career at MAS in 2007 giving leadership to the Eco Go Beyond Programme – which is a community outreach programme on Sustainable Development Education for youth of rural Sri Lanka. This 17-year-old Private public partnership programme today is completely aligned to the SDGs.

Amanthi has represented MAS Holdings at many national and international forums. These have been in the capacity of presenter, panelist and judge.

A firm believer in education for change, she has been a visiting lecturer on sustainable development at many postgraduate and professional programmes and has also contributed to developing curriculum on environmental sustainability.

She has training in sustainability related fields such as, Sustainability Reporting, GRI, embedding Sustainable Development and Business, Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001), Business and Human Rights and the Global Compact.

She is currently a serving member of the UNDP GEF-Small Grant Programme National Steering Committee in Sri Lanka.

Amanthi’s past involvement in the field of environment has seen her work on the Climate Change Enabling Activity Project (Phase II) which was funded by the UNDP and conducted by the Global Affairs Division of the Ministry of Environment. She was also the Editor and Publications Officer of the Environmental Foundation Limited for 3 years.

Amanthi has a Masters in Environmental Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi India and obtained her Bachelor of Science from the Open University of Sri Lanka.

She lives and works in Colombo, with her husband, son and daughter.
Amanthi Perera