Full Name
Mr. Yaya Winarno Junardy
Job Title
Indonesia Global Compact Network
Speaker Bio
Y.W. Junardy is the President of Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), the local chapter of the United Nations Global Compact in Indonesia. He is also a member of the Expert Team of the UN Global Compact after completing his term as the Board Member in 2018.

He is currently also holding position as the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Namibia to the Republic of Indonesia (2015 - now).

He is also the President Commissioner of PT Rajawali Corpora, an Indonesian national holding investment company operating in diverse industries i.e. hotel & property, agriculture, mining, TV Broadcasting and IT Services (2007- now).

In addition, Junardy also sits in various institutions, among others:
- Dewan Penyantun of Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
- President of Asia Marketing Federation Foundation
- Senat Chairman of Indonesia Marketing Association
- Board of Patron of Bhumiksara Foundation
- Board of Supervisor of Rajawali Foundation
- Board of Supervisor of Asia Council for Small Business (ACSB)
- Board of Supervisor of Yayasan Pondok Kasih (YPK)
- Board of Advisor of Nusantara Institute
- International Consultant of World Bonsai Friendship Federation (WBFF)

Prior to his current position he served in various companies including Managing Director of PT Rajawali Corpora; CEO of Excelcom (Now XL Axiata), Bentoel International Investama and IBM Indonesia; and Commissioner of RCTI. He was also a member of the President’s Advancement Advisor Committee of NUS Singapore.

He is the author of “Full Circle: Managing through Learning, Leading, Serving” and articles especially on Sustainable Development Goals in Marketeer Magazine. He is also the Editor of “Kraton Jogja: The History and Cultural Heritage”.

In 2016, Y.W. Junardy was selected as the Gold Medal Winner of the Global Business & Interfaith Peace Award in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Award is a joint initiative of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF), UN Global Compact Business for Peace (B4P) platform and United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).
Yaya Winarno Junardy