Full Name
Dr. Nitinkumar Dumasia
Job Title
President & CEO
Growlity Inc.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Nitin Dumasia

Dr. Dumasia is a purpose driven Indian citizen and President & CEO of Growlity, Inc., a United States of America (USA) based global advisory company for ESG & Sustainability Solutions. By education he is a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering and recently awarded as Honorary Doctorate (PhD) in ESG & Business Sustainability Management by the Sorbon University from France for his exclusive research on evaluating ESG Score of an organization. After his engineering, he worked with renowned Multinational companies from Switzerland, USA, Canada & India in both Manufacturing and Consulting domains for around 18+ years. In recent years, he has been awarded with many recognitions like 40 under 40 ESG leaders, Sustainability Champion by Net Zero Alliance of India, Emerging 100 Entrepreneurs & Emerging 100 Leader of India, Dynamic Young Entrepreneur Working on UN SDG, Outstanding ESG Leadership, etc. In 2020, even when the world was witnessing pandemic due to Covid-19, he launched his global venture of Growlity in USA to utilise his ultimate wisdom brought from thousands of days of experience especially for business enterprises globally. He is on advisory board of ESG committee of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Carbon Registry of India (CRI). His company Growlity, Inc. is proud participant of United Nations Global Compact USA Network and Growlity Private Limited is too participant of UNGC India Network.

Dr. Dumasia has published hundreds of articles on SDGs, ESG & Corporate Sustainability Management in recent few years. His contributions on transition to Net Zero and cut down Greenhouse gases emissions not only for India & USA but various countries like UK, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Belgium, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand has been phenomenal. His company Growlity is a participant of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and also participating in Climate Action Accelerator program of UNGC USA Network. His efforts to develop youth of various countries to combat climate change and decarbonisation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiatives has been notified by United Nations several times.

Dr. Dumasia is a father of two beautiful daughters, a caring husband, brother and ideal son of their parents and live together in joint family in Surat, Gujarat, India.
Nitinkumar Dumasia