BARRY C. BLACK - United States Senate
SHERI MEYERHOFFER - Responsible Enterprise, Canada
DR. SANJEEV KHAGRAM - Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
JACQUELINE GRACE - UN Global Compact Network USA
PAULA DAVIS - Colgate-Palmolive Company
CHRIS GRAY - Board Chair, UN Global Compact Network USA, Head of ESG, Pfizer
ADAM ROY GORDON - Global Compact Network USA

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focus on promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. We currently face significant barriers to achieving a sustainable future aligned with the SDGs, ranging from racial and gender inequality to war and human rights abuses. To deliver the SDGs, all stakeholders, including the private sector, need to work together to advance peace and human rights. US companies have demonstrated their commitment to advancing human dignity with a robust response to the invasion of Ukraine, the killing of George Floyd, the gendered and family impacts of the pandemic, and many other pressing issues. These commitments are meaningful and business relevant. Join the UN Global Compact Network USA at this session where you will learn what American companies are doing to contribute to the SDGs through contributions to peace and human rights. New ways in which businesses can contribute to overcoming these pressing challenges and create a more just and prosperous world will also be discussed.