Full Name
DR. Dr Sumitra Nair
Job Title
Senior Director & Head of Group Sustainability
Telekom Malaysia
Speaker Bio
Sumitra is the Senior Director and Head of Sustainability at Telekom Malaysia Berhad, where she is responsible for driving the integration of sustainable business practices across the Group.

With nearly three decades of experience in corporate and senior leadership roles, her expertise spans the digital economy, sustainability, and human capital development.

Before joining Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Sumitra was an Executive Committee member and Senior Vice President of Strategy and Policy at Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation. In this role, she oversaw the agency's macro-strategy, research, corporate planning, policy advocacy, and sustainability efforts. Her notable achievements include leading policies and programmes that resulted in national-scale human capital development, digital entrepreneurship and digital investments.

In recognition of her contributions to education and innovation, Sumitra was named one of the 100 global thought leaders by the Finnish Hundred Project in 2016. She also actively participates in various boards and councils, including the International Medical University’s Industry Board of Advisors and Universiti Teknologi Petronas’ Student Development Advisory Council.

Sumitra holds a PhD in Business and Economics from Monash University, where her research focused on "Strategic Corporate Responsibility in Multinational Corporations from A Co-Evolutionary Theory Perspective".
Dr Sumitra Nair