URSULA WYNHOVEN - The International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
JASON SLATER - United Nations Industrial Development Organization

A handpicked selection of innovative projects from the SDG Innovation Accelerator will take center stage in this dynamic segment. Each team of young professionals will seize the spotlight to pitch their visionary ideas, strategies, and sustainable solutions, which they've dedicated the past nine months to developing.
Teams of innovators will present their SDG Business Solutions to a panel of SDG Innovation and Intrapreneurship experts to receive feedback, questions, and insights to refine their solutions, particularly from the perspective of their ideas' breakthrough potential (ambition) and, equally important, the business case and likelihood of their solution being implemented (feasibility).
From pioneering technologies to redefined business models and innovative customer-centric strategies, young innovators will showcase disruptive concepts that have the potential to reshape their businesses and the sustainability landscape. The audience will actively participate in this showcase through live voting, casting their vote for the projects that resonate most deeply with them!
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New York, NY 10001
United States