Nombre completo
Ximena Behoteguy
Puesto de trabajo
President of the Board of Directors
Banco FIE
Altavoz Bio
Ximena is a lawyer specializing in Business Law, she holds two postgraduate degrees in Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment and Corporate Governance. A proud mother of Melanie and Matthew, she is committed to empowering women, ensuring equal opportunities, and promoting sustainability in business practices. Since April 2012, she has served as Chair of the Board of Banco FIE, being the first woman to hold this position in the Bolivian financial system. This bank focuses on social and financial inclusion, promoting the economic empowerment of women across all sectors, and is a pioneer in agricultural lending in Bolivia.

An activist for gender equality, she has institutionalized the Marca Magenta leadership and management program, which has been recognized internationally for its impact on equal opportunities. She is currently a member of six boards, including CAMEBOL LA PAZ and AmCham Bolivia, and is part of the WOMEN CAINCO Leadership Program. Recognized in the list of “50 Impactful Women in Latin America” by Bloomberg Línea and ranking 2nd in the “40 Best CEOs” list by Bolivian Business magazine 2024, she has won the REDMES 2024 award in the category of Women Who Transform.
Ximena Behoteguy