Eva Zabey - Business for Nature
SANDRA WU - Kokusai Kogyo and UN Global Compact Board
Manuel Pulgar Vidal - WWF

The triple planetary crisis - climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution - is gathering strength and creating further inequities. Nature is declining at an unprecedented rate, with nearly 1 million species currently at risk of extinction due to human activities. Biodiversity loss ranks as one of the top three major risks to businesses. In the words of the Secretary-General, we need to urgently stop our self-defeating war on nature and align our economies with the new Global Biodiversity Framework, to ensure that life on Earth as we know it can continue. This is why future-proofing businesses by moving to nature-positive action and investments is as urgent as ever.
In this session, leading private sector and key organizations’ representatives will demonstrate the relevance of the intersecting climate-nature crisis to business, lay out how companies can start their nature-positive journey and showcase best practices to reverse nature and biodiversity loss.
445 11th Ave
New York, NY 10001
United States