Time Description Track Location Name
Thursday, November 30, 2023
9:45 AM - 11:15 AM

Climate Data, Sustainability Reporting, and the Nexus with ESG Linked Financing in Africa
This session focuses on the nexus between climate data, sustainability reporting, and ESG-linked finance in Africa. It aims to explore the interconnections between these areas and promote the adoption of sustainable practices across sectors. By strengthening the availability, reliability, and accessibility of climate data and sustainability reporting, we can facilitate informed decision-making and enhance accountability for sustainable development. Register your interest in attending.


Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: Kenya Pavilion
Friday, December 1, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

African Private Sector Reception
Co-hosted by the Africa Business Leaders Coalition and Airtel Africa, the African Private Sector Reception brings together leaders from the private sector, governmental bodies, multilateral banks, and beyond for a dynamic exchange of solutions and collaboration to accelerate climate action on the continent.
Invitation Only. Request an Invitation.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingOffsite
Saturday, December 2, 2023
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

The Role of Public Sector in Promoting Corporate Climate Action
This event will be a larger group discussion on how the public sector can incentivize climate action from the private sector. The event hope brings together Ministers from Norway to present on initiatives like 'The Norwegian Green Guarantees Initiative' and the 'Norwegian Ownership Mandate' for State-owned companies. A light breakfast is included. Invitation Only.
Please click here to request an invitation.


Policy AdvocacyBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM

Corporate Action to Advance a Just Transition
In this session, we will hear from the private sector on how companies are contributing to a just transition by taking concrete actions that address social impacts of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in partnership with workers, unions, communities and suppliers. The panel will explore sectoral and regional challenges and opportunities, the special considerations of SMEs, and highlight the enabling mechanisms and policy interventions needed to accelerate a just transition. Livestream available at www.live.ilo.org.


Just TransitionBlue Zone: Just Transition Pavilion
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

From Ripples to Waves: How Corporate Water Stewardship Shapes Climate Futures
This panel will spotlight UNGC Network USA, the Pacific Institute, and Ceres’ upcoming white paper on corporate water stewardship. The discussion will focus on how the private sector can engage in collective action to advance sustainable water practices and drive net- positive water outcomes in vulnerable U.S basins. Moreover, the conversation will contextualize water stewardship within the broader climate agenda, highlighting the interconnectedness of climate action and water action. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this form.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Unleashing Industry-Specific Climate Dialogues: Key Insights from the UAE Climate Action Taskforce
This session aims to explore UAE-specific policy recommendations for holistic climate action based on the outcomes of industry-specific dialogues on climate mitigation, adaptation, just transition, and climate action in the value chain held under the umbrella of the Global Compact Network UAE Climate Action Taskforce. A light lunch will be served.

Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Nordic CEO Statement on Climate Action
This reception will host Chief Executives who will present their high-level commitment on climate action and those that are pushing for larger climate ambitions in the Nordic region and beyond. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Invitation Only. To request an invitation, click here.


Policy AdvocacyBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
Sunday, December 3, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate
Hosted by the UN Global Compact, together with UN Environment Programme and UN Climate Change, the in-person meeting will bring together senior executives of business, industry, finance, civil society, the United Nations and Government to help accelerate immediate cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and act decisively to avert a climate catastrophe. The gathering aims to bring forward a strong business message of climate ambition and help to scale and speed climate action in light of the completion of the first Global Stocktake. 

The meeting is in-person and by invitation only. To request an invitation, click here. To follow the livestream, visit UN Web TV.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingBlue Zone: Meeting room
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Global Supply Chains - Science Based Targets and its impact
During this keynote and panel discussion, business leaders will discuss best practices on supply chain engagement with a a specific focus on SBTs. A light lunch will be served.  Invitation Only. To request an invitation, click here

Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Securing Critical Infrastructure for a Sustainable Society
Experts will discuss strategies and solutions to adapt critical systems. Participants discuss approaches to upgrading key infrastructure and protect them to ensure their reliability and sustainability as society transitions to a low-carbon future.

AdaptationBlue Zone: Ukraine Blue Zone Pavilion
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Return on Ocean Investment Roundtable
Hosted by the United Nations Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition and the High-Level Panel on the Sustainable Ocean Economy, the Return on Ocean Investment Roundtable will convene ocean industry leaders, governments, investors, development finance institutions, and stakeholders across the finance value chain to identify key enablers to unlock private capital to scale investment in the sustainable ocean economy.

Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: Ocean Pavilion
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Building Business Resilience through ESG Strategies
Government and business representatives will discuss how to leverage environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies to build organizational and community resilience during times of crisis.

Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: Ukraine Blue Zone Pavilion
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Securing Europe's Energy Future: Ukraine's Role in the Green Transition
This session will examine Ukraine's renewable energy potential and role in contributing to Europe's sustainability goals amid complex challenges. The discussion will focus on spurring investment and positioning Ukraine as a provider of clean energy.

Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: Ukraine Blue Zone Pavilion
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Comment les entreprises du Pacte mondial de l'ONU agissent contre le changement climatique?
Quels sont les enjeux en termes de ressources, d'impact sur la chaîne de valeur et de faisabilité ? Avec des retours d'expérience concrets provenant directement d'entreprises du Pacte mondial de l'ONU Réseau France, cet événement vise à donner un retour d'expérience tangible.

How do UN Global Compact's participants taking action against climate change?
How do companies set up their processes to move from commitment to action? What are the challenges in terms of resources, impact on the value chain and feasibility? The aim of this event is to provide tangible feedback from SMEs and companies in the network. This session will be held in French and will be livestreamed.  If you are interested in attending and learning more about the session, register here.



Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: Pavillon de la Francophonie
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Ukraine Energy Initiative: Connecting Businesses for a Prosperous Green Recovery
This event will convene government, business, and civil society leaders to showcase opportunities for climate-smart investment and collaboration to support Ukraine's green reconstruction and long-term sustainable development.

Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: Ukraine Blue Zone Pavilion
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Capitalising on Europe-Africa Partnerships to Accelerate Transition
Partnerships between Europe and Africa stand as a cornerstone for fostering collaboration, development, and shared prosperity. Recognizing the vast potential within the creation of partnerships, companies on both sides understand key strategic goals and initiatives to capitalize on the relationship between the two continents. CEOs (European and African) will have the floor to share their vision of Europe-Africa partnerships to accelerate transition on both continents and how their company has been implementing projects. Following CEOs’ speeches, attendees will be free to enjoy refreshments and informally exchange with other attendees offering many networking opportunities. The reception will be split in two sequences one from 5:30pm to 7pm and one from 7pm to 8:30pm. Participants are free to attend the slot that is more convenient to them. Food and beverages will be served. Invitation Only. To request an invitation, please contact mailys.pinto@pactemondial.org  or camille.bos@pactemondial.org.


Just TransitionBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
Monday, December 4, 2023
9:00 AM - 9:20 AM

Fireside: Is the World of Finance Green Enough?
Many banks and financial institutions in Portugal have adopted responsible banking and investment principles that guide their lending and investment practices, most of them coming from regulatory drivers. Banco Montepio is one of the financial institutions in Portugal leading the way in Green Finance instruments and it's CEO will share what this involves and the potencial impact it can have.

Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: Portugal Blue Zone Pavilion
9:00 AM - 10:10 AM

Integrity for Sustainability: Uniting Against Corruption for a Greener Future
Join us for a panel discussion featuring Government officials and business leaders who will discuss the link between environmental sustainability, anti-corruption, and Ukraine's recovery. By highlighting successful cases and promoting collaboration, the discussion will provide a platform for exchanging ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions. The event includes panel discussion "Green Anti-Corruption Policies and Strategies". Registration is required. To register, click here.


Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

Fireside: Green Instruments for a Green World
Hear about green bonds, green loans, and other financial instruments that raise capital for projects related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, conservation, and other eco-friendly endeavors from two Portuguese financial institutions.

Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: Portugal Blue Zone Pavilion
9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

ESG Roadmap: Accelerating the Pace on Gender Equality
Gender Equality starts from within. Banco Montepio is the oldest financial institution in Portugal and the only that focuses on Social Economy, committed to social, economic and environmental sustainability. The bank's commitment to the empowerment of women and the policies put in place will be the focus of this fireside chat with its Chief Sustainability Officer.


Policy AdvocacyBlue Zone: Portugal Blue Zone Pavilion
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Advancing Corporate Investments toward Climate Action
The CFO Coalition for the SDGs will showcase the 2023 workstreams on climate-related investments and financing with two presentations on investment plans to reach SBTs and a fireside chat on the role of companies in directing capital toward climate solutions. 


Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

ESG Roadmap: Turning the Heat on Sustainable Supply Chains
Supply chains are critical for decarbonization of the private sector and companies play a key role in building solutions to engage and build capacity for decarbonization within their supply chains. This discussion will focus on best practices, examples and collaborative solutions for scope 3 emissions, as well as to build resilience within supply chains.


Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: Portugal Blue Zone Pavilion
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Technology for Transition: Mitigation, Adaptation & Resilience
Technology and innovation will play a key role in the road to the transition to net-zero, a powerful tool in mitigation and adaptation processes around the world, providing data visibility and traceability, better resource management and planning of infrastructure. Bentley Systems is one of the leading companies in developing and implementing innovative tools that allow for capacity building, better risk management and delivery of net-zero commitments around the world.


Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: Portugal Blue Zone Pavilion
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Fireside: The Impact of Public Policies on ESG performance: a tale of two countries
Public policies play a crucial role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. They are tools for guiding and driving action, mitigation and adaptation efforts and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, mobilizing resources and scaling the impact of climate action. In this fireside we will hear how two different countries - Portugal and Norway - are developing and implementing puclic policies that drive ESG Performance and contribute to the global sustainability efforts.

Policy AdvocacyBlue Zone: Portugal Blue Zone Pavilion
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Women’s Participation in Climate Action and Sustainable Development: Bridging Gender Equality and Climate Solutions
As women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change, women’s expertise and leadership are essential to drive sustainable solutions aligned with the Paris Agreement. More women in leadership positions correlates with better sustainability practices, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased focus on ESG performance. This panel discussion will center on the role of business in fostering inclusive climate action to achieve resilient and equitable societies for all. Register now.


Policy AdvocacyGreen Zone: Expo City Dubai Pavilion
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Exploring Capital Market Opportunities through Enhanced Disclosure and Reporting: The ASEAN Perspective
Recent advancements in sustainability and climate reporting, such as the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the adoption of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), signify a worldwide transition towards comprehensive and standardised reporting. These changes will have repercussions on the global supply chain, affecting businesses both in the ASEAN region and globally. The session, hosted by Compact Singapore, will encourage knowledge sharing and illuminate market opportunities from enhanced disclosures and reporting.  Click here to register your interest.


Policy AdvocacyBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

ESG Roadmap: Shaping the leaders of the Future
he Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is a United Nations-supported initiative that aims to raise the profile of sustainability in their classrooms through Six Principles focused on serving society and safeguarding our planet. PRME prepare management students with the skills and the drive to promote necessary change. In this fireside, the Chair of the PRME Chapter Iberia shares the importance and impact of preparing Today the leaders of Tomorrow.


Policy AdvocacyBlue Zone: Portugal Blue Zone Pavilion
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Forward Faster UAE Launch: High Level Networking Reception
UAE CEOs, UAE Ministries and UNGC representatives are invited to this engaging networking reception. Attendees will learn more about the UN Global Compact's Forward Faster initiative in the UAE. Invitation Only.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingGreen Zone: Expo City Dubai Pavilion
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Financing the Energy Transition in Emerging Markets - Risk and Regulatory Obstacles
Business leaders from renewable energey companies and financial institutions will gather to discuss risk and regulatory obstacles in emerging markets and how organizations can mobilise private capital within them. Light breakfast included. Invitation Only. To request an invitation, click here


Policy AdvocacyBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
10:30 AM - 11:50 AM

Supporting a Just Transition through Responsible Business Conduct – Regional Perspectives
The private sector plays a key role in ensuring a just transition, with companies embracing responsible business practices and integrating environmental, social and governance elements in their strategies and operations. Co-hosted by the ILO and UN Global Compact, this workshop will explore just transition scenarios across sectors and regions. A panel discussion featuring representatives from the EU, IOE, ITUC and the business community will shed light on how the private sector can contribute to a just transition by addressing both environmental and social dimensions of responsible business conduct. No registration is required, livestream available at www.live.ilo.org.


Just TransitionBlue Zone: Just Transition Pavilion
10:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Nepal - South Asia Regional Session
Nepal hosts the South Asia Regional Session where key stakeholders discuss the Road to 2030 with a focus on Climate Action.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Accountable B School: An Organization-Wide Approach to Climate Action
This session will gather business school and university stakeholders for a transparent and safe space to share the challenges in raising climate ambition at the organizational level of business schools and universities. Inspired by PRME’s recent Principles refresh and the creation of a Principle dedicated to organizational practice, the session will focus on pushing concrete actions from educational institutions. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this form.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingGreen Zone: Greening Education Hub
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

Business Climate Lab for a Just Transition
This session builds on the guiding principles of just transition established by the International Labor Organization's and the UN Global Compact’s own guidance for businesses to discuss the latest insights and case studies on how businesses can embark on this transformative journey towards a sustainable, equitable, and just future for all. This session will be livestreamed. Streaming link tbd.


Just TransitionGreen Zone: Expo City Dubai Pavilion
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

Tenir ses engagements climat : défis et prospectives du secteur privé
Cet événement vise à orchestrer une discussion d'entreprises sur la mise en œuvre d'actions de réduction d'émissions de gaz à effet qui soient efficaces avec les attendus de plus en plus stricts de la part des initiatives d'engagement sur le sujet. Comment assurer cette mise en œuvre au-delà de l'engagement ? Durant cette session nous explorerons les difficultés inhérentes à l'application d'une stratégie climat robuste, de par l'ambition que cela implique et les impacts sur toute la chaîne de valeur. This session will be held in French and will be livestreamed. If you are interested in attending and learning more about the session, click here.

Meeting climate commitments: challenges and prospects for the private sector
 The aim of this event is to reflect on how to implement effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the face of growing expectations on the part of commitment initiatives in this area. How can this implementation be ensured beyond the commitment phase? What are the conditions for successful implementation, with requirements that sometimes call into question entire business models? What are the prospects for the future of the company? In this session, we will explore the difficulties inherent in implementing a robust climate strategy, given the ambition it implies and its impact on the entire value chain. This session will be held in French and will be livestreamed. If you are interested in attending and learning more about the session, click hereTo register click here.


Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: Pavillon de la Francophonie
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Driving Africa's Just Transition
Organized by the ABLC, the panel “Driving Africa’s Just Transition” will bring together key stakeholders from the continent to discuss the path forward to a just and fair transition for Africa and the role of the private sector. Open to all. Register now.

Just TransitionGreen Zone: DP World Centre (located in the Energy Transition Hub)
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Multi-stakeholder Roundtable: Small Steps, Big Impact: Strengthening the Capacity of SMEs for Accelerated Climate Action
Learn about available solutions to reduce the skills mismatch gap and increase youth representation in decision making to ensure a just transition across dialogues engaging Academia, young professionals, C-suite representatives, government officials, CSOs and UN representatives. Invitation Only.


Just TransitionGreen Zone: Expo City Dubai Pavilion
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

SBTi's Leading Companies
We will present the results of our annual climate report 2023, where we have analysed the last year development of SBTi globally and locally (Spain). Then we will invite someone from SBTi to talk about the initiative updates and finally we will have a roundtable with 3 SBTi´s leading companies talking about their case study.


Mitigation & Net-ZeroBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

SDG Investment Forum COP28
SDG Investment Forum COP28 — Side event on sustainable finance
The CFO Coalition will organize an SDG Investment Forum in partnership with the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchange and the Dubai Financial Market on the role of stock exchanges and CFOs in promoting climate finance and in tackling the Climate Crisis. Invitation Only.


Sustainable FinanceNasdaq Dubai Market Site
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Blended climate finance and opportunities for the African Continent
The African Development Bank 2023 report states that to close the Africa’s climate financing gap by 2030, ‘approximately $213.4 billion will need to be mobilized annually from the private sector, to complement constrained public resource’. To supplement public finance, the reports recommends that private climate finance should increase by about 36 percent each year until 2030. Our Panel will explore risks, barriers, challenges and opportunities for blended innovative finance and green growth. 


Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Décarbonation des chaînes d'approvisionnement et mise en œuvre de la circularité : engagement des acteurs publics et privés
La décarbonation des chaînes d’approvisionnement s’appuie sur de nombreuses actions. Le secteur privé joue un rôle essentiel dans la contribution à la neutralité carbone. Dans ce contexte, un nombre croissant d'entreprises s'engagent à réduire leurs émissions de carbone. Les échanges se concentreront sur les solutions collaboratives visant à lutter contre les émissions du Scope 3 puis un zoom sera fait sur la mise en œuvre de la circularité. This session will be held in French and will be livestreamed. Streaming link tbd.

Decarbonising supply chains and implementing circularity: the commitment of public and private actors
The decarbonisation of supply chains is based on numerous actions. The private sector plays a key role in contributing to carbon neutrality. In this context, a growing number of companies are committing to reducing their carbon emissions. The first part of the round table will bring together multinational companies and their suppliers to present collaborative solutions aimed at combating Scope 3 emissions. The second part will focus in particular on the implementation of circularity in supply chains, so that production waste from one company becomes a resource for another, and so that products that become waste at the end of their life can be reused or recovered as materials or energy.

Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: Pavillon France
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Middle East Regional Male Allyship Roundtable
Women are dramatically underrepresented in the workplace and the marketplace, where their presence and participation can make the crucial difference between a life of poverty or prosperity. Gender equality is not a women’s issue, it’s an everyone issue. As man bear disproportionate institutional power, they can leverage that privilege and act as positive agents of change to close the gender gap. This roundtable discussion will focus on effective business strategies to engage men as allies for gender equality in the Middle East Region. Invite Only. Request an invitation.


Policy AdvocacyOffsite: Chalhoub Group Head Office
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Built Environment Sustainable Transition (BEST)
Unveil Egypt's "Built Environment Sustainable Transition (BEST)" initiative—reshaping urban development collaboratively. Four key tracks—Green Buildings, Infrastructures, Recycled Materials, and Transportation—drive climate action, unlock green financing, and foster innovation. Join our discussion to see how BEST accelerates Egypt's climate commitments, promoting global sustainable urban development. 


Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Green companies:  A New Power to Transform Society
Incorporating authorized lobbying activities has frequently resulted in an improved legislative process. While historically influence was predominantly conducted by large corporations, the future of the green economy holds promising prospects for those entities whose significance goes beyond purely economic value. How will the new green economy look like for the traditional influence? Registration required. Register here.


Just TransitionBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Responsible Forest Management: The Private Sector and the Road to Belem
Join us for this UN Global Compact Roundtable. CEOs, policy makers, and experts unite to catalyse private sector commitments addressing tropical rainforest challenges. This high-level session focuses on Responsible Forest Management, emphasizing supply chain traceability, bioeconomy innovation, sectorial pacts, biodiversity, and just transitions for rainforest communities. This event marks a pivotal step towards COP30 in Belem, Brazil, advancing global collaboration for a sustainable and resilient future. Registration is required.  Click here to register: https://forms.office.com/e/EvNVCcppPs.


Biodiversity & NatureBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

U.S Climate Leaders Salon Dinner
The U.S Climate Leaders Salon Dinner is an invitation-only, high-level event bringing together C-suite representatives from Network USA signatory organizations and senior U.S. government officials. Guests will be treated to an exquisite six-course tasting menu. This dinner promises an atmosphere of intimacy and dialogue, fueled by our shared commitment to a sustainable future. Invitation Only.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingOffsite
Friday, December 8, 2023
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Transition in the Global South: Building a Net Zero Economy
The side event "Transition in the Global South: Building a Net Zero Economy" will focus on the themes of mitigation, adaptation, and implementation means. The first two panels will lie in mitigation and adaptation.As the event continues, there will be more panels focused on financing and just climate transition. This session will be held in Porguguese. Invitation only. To inquire about invitations, email rsvp@pactoglobal.org.br.


Mitigation & Net ZeroOffsite: Future Mobility Hub at Dubai Multi Commodities Centre Uptown Tower
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Decarbonizing Global Value Chains
By bringing companies from over the world, we could really dive in good practices put in place by leading compagnies to decarbonize their value chain. Registration required. Register now.


Mitigation & Net ZeroBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

The 2030 Agenda: A World Knowledge Legacy to Fight Climate Change
The 2030 Agenda is a framework shared by governments, businesses and citizens from all over the world, which over the past 7 years has enabled us to build up a wealth of world knowledge to help solve the challenges we face, particularly the climate crisis. This panel will offer insights from experts from a variety of sectors on the transformative role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing a world legacy knowledge from the earliest age and throughout life. Particular attention will be paid to the indicators and projects developed on SDG13 relating to the fight against climate change, which enable our world to demonstrate innovation while leaving no one behind and achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda collectively. Register to attend.


Just TransitionBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
Saturday, December 9, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Future of Biodiversity in Latin America: A Focus on Sustainable Communities
Global Compact Chile and KPMG Chile organize an event that addresses the challenges and opportunities in Biodiversity management in Latin America and its connection with SDG 11 on Sustainable cities and communities. The objective aim to discuss the role of biodiversity risk management for companies, based on the launch of TNFD and the Global Biodiversity Framework approved in COP15. This session will be hosted in Spanish. 


Biodiversity & NatureBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Pioneering Nature-Based Solutions for a Nature Positive Economy
Explore and learn about innovative approaches, successful partnerships, and the transformative impact of businesses committed to leveraging nature-based solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation during this engaging roundtable.


Biodiversity & NatureGreen Zone: Expo City Dubai Pavilion
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Multi-stakeholder Roundtable: Small Steps, Big Impact: Strengthening the Capacity of SMEs for Accelerate Climate Action
This dialogue aims to engage SMEs representatives and government officials to assess gaps and needs to inform and drive SME specific climate-related programming and policy in the UAE. Invitation Only.


Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingGreen Zone: Expo City Dubai Pavilion
Sunday, December 10, 2023
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Unlocking Green Capital: Exploring Private Sector Financing for the Sustainable Development Goals in the UAE
The session aims to engage CFOs and key financial institutions across panel discussions that will explore opportunities to unlock private capital and create a market for mainstream SDG investments in the UAE. A light lunch will be served. 


Sustainable FinanceBlue Zone: UN Global Compact Hub
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Accelerating climate ambition: Italian business commitment towards Net-Zero
The event will be the official launch of the research, developed by Italian Network of UNGC and IPSOS on the Italian private sector commitment towards net-zero. In addition to presenting the results of the analysis, the event will include a multistakeholder roundtable to showcase Italian business initiatives in advancing a net-zero economy.

Climate Ambition: Cross CuttingBlue Zone: Italian Pavilion
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Climate Ambition Closing Ceremony
Join companies that took part in the Climate Ambition Accelerator and key experts driving the net-zero agenda across dialogues that aim to explore and identify key learnings and barriers around GHG management and setting Science Based Targets. Networking reception afterwards. RSVP here by 3 December.

Mitigation & Net ZeroGreen Zone: Expo City Dubai Pavilion
Time Zone: (UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi [Change Time Zone]