A Business Guide to UN General Assembly Week

The High-Level UN General Assembly Week (UNGA) presents a unique opportunity for CEOs, business leaders, Heads of State and Government, young SDG advocates, and citizens to unite for a week of events. This high-level week is crucial for addressing the global polycrisis and accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As key players in the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), your voices are essential in fostering strong multi-stakeholder partnerships for Global Goals.

UNGA Week holds particular significance for participants of the UN Global Compact. This global gathering serves as a continuation of the public-private dialogue, with thousands of CEOs and business leaders from around the world coming together to accelerate progress on the 2030 Agenda.

For instance, this year’s UN Private Sector Forum, the official luncheon of the Summit of the Future, will gather over 300 Heads of State and Chief Executive Officers to explore pressing issues and policy barriers impacting sustainability today and opportunities for tomorrow, including SDG acceleration, geopolitical disruption, sustainable finance and digital transformation.

We encourage CEOs and business leaders to join us for a week of high-level convenings, and consider registering for— or requesting an invitation to—our event offerings.

The path before us is challenging, but when businesses work together for the common good, transformational change is possible.” – Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the UN Global Compact


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