Lila Karbassi - UN Global Compact
MARK KAYE - Moody’s Corporation
Roberto Suárez Santos - International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
ROY BAGATTINI - Woolworths Holdings Limited
SHARAN BURROW - International Trade Union Confederation

The latest IPCC report makes it clear that we must reach net-zero emissions by the early 2050s to avoid the worst—and irreversible—effects of climate change. A swift transition to net-zero depends on science-based decarbonization plans that are inclusive, foster the growth of decent, green jobs, and leave no one behind. Reflecting its commitment to this goal, the UN Secretary-General has launched the Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection, which aims to create at least 400 million jobs, primarily in the green, digital and care economies, and to extend social protection floors to four billion people by 2030. Co-hosted by the UN Global Compact and International Labour Organization, this session will explore how the private sector can accelerate action for a just transition to a net-zero future. Representatives from the United Nations, NGOs, and the business sphere will share experiences, insights, and best practices, with the goal of fostering leadership in the global movement for a people-centered climate response.