Monday, November 7, 2022
1:00 PM

This closed event gathers a group of six deans from leading business schools across Africa, as well as academics and thought leaders representing PRME, The Financial Times, the Association of African Business Schools (AABS), and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Deans Roundtable launches the ongoing BS4CL Africa initiative–a collaborative Africa-tailored framework of action for business schools, in coordination with the private sector and civil society, that matches the needs and adapts to the realities of the continent, with the goal to reflect on business school curricula around the continent.

2:00 PM

Corporate climate action is gaining momentum in Africa as the private sector is advancing its sustainability agenda and all the resources are being mobilized across the Globe for a better future. The Fireside chats with Sanda Ojiambo, Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the UN Global Compact, aim to highlight the crucial role of the African private sector in propelling the climate agenda, challenges and aspirations, and the role international organizations can play in order to facilitate the way forward. The meeting is open to CEOs of companies and organizations that are actively engaging on climate action, government representatives, business associations, and international organizations’ representatives.  Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
1:00 PM

The objective of the Initiative is to bring key market players and draw on their experience in developing the initiative declaration, governance, roadmap, means of national and global recognition, and best practices and benchmarks. The initiative aims to unite, coordinate, and guide actions of all stakeholders across the built environment value chain, towards ensuring the well-being of people and the planet through the construction and real-estate sector practices in Egypt. The day will host a series of speeches and panels aimed at supporting the construction and real-estate sector.  Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
3:00 PM

The Private sector plays an important role in achieving the SDGs. With strong corporate commitment, right tools and guidance and a drive to emerge as strong and resilient post the pandemic, business can adopt a global and regional outlook towards meaningful partnerships and collaboration to achieve the SDGs, all while driving better profitability, higher corporate valuation and a lower cost of capital for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Hear from business leaders how the UN Global Compacts supports them in delivering their sustainability strategy and we can work with you, too.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
10:30 AM

Urgent actions are needed to fully decarbonize international shipping by 2050 to meet the Paris Agreement 1.5 temperature goal. To secure a just transition to green shipping, the maritime workforce will need to gain additional skills, and have a say in the transition. The session will mark the launch of the Maritime Just Transition Task Force’s joint position paper on ‘Mapping a Just Transition for the Maritime Workforce’ - and convene UN Heads, Ministers, Trade Unions and Industry. No registration required.


Blue Zone - ILO Just Transition Pavilion
5:30 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

This year, COP 27 provides a unique opportunity for the African private sector to commit to ambitious climate actions for the continent. Hosted by the Africa Business Leaders Coalition (ABLC), Climate Action Now: A Critical Priority for African Business Leaders will convene prominent business leaders, United Nations officials, members of Governments, and representatives of development agencies to discuss African business leaders' perspective on climate change, their commitments, and their call to action for the global community. This is your opportunity to learn more about climate action in Africa, African-specific problems and solutions, and the private sector's historic climate stance that will shape the path forward for Africa. The event kicks off with refreshments and tasty bites at 5:30 P.M. EET.  Register to attend

If you cannot attend in person, the event will be livestreamed on UNFCCC's YouTube Channel


Blue Zone - Meeting room: Osiris
Thursday, November 10, 2022
12:00 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

The third annual Uniting Business AFRICA, hosted by the UN Global Compact, the Africa Hub and Local Networks in Africa, will be dedicated to how the private sector can accelerate and support climate change initiatives across Africa. Discussions will be focused on the social and economic effects of climate change in the region and the opportunities and challenges in adopting climate change policies. Register to attend.


Blue Zone - ICC Pavilion (P112 in Area C of Delegations Pavilion 5)
1:50 PM

This fireside chat will explore how leading companies are approaching the topic of resilience from the leadership level.  In particular it will explore:

  • What key components of resiliency are companies focused on addressing for their businesses and for the broader communities within which they operate.
  • In the context of Africa, how are companies contributing to “resilient sustainable development”
  • Where does water resilience come in for the companies and what are they doing to promote greater water resilience
Blue Zone - ICC Pavilion (P112 in Area C of Delegations Pavilion 5)
Friday, November 11, 2022

The Cement and Concrete Implementation Lab will deep dive into the cement and concrete industry's journey to net-zero by 2050, with a special focus on progress towards 2030 breakthrough targets across the value chain, by showcasing solutions, discussing key roadblocks, and hosting an interactive discussion to problem-solve barriers and replicate solutions at scale across different regions. No registration required.

Blue Zone - Climate Action Zone
9:30 AM
In-Person and Livestreamed

This session will reflect on the achievements of the UN Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator programme. No in-person registration required.

Livestreamed on the UN Global Compact YouTube channel and on Hopin.

Blue Zone - ICC Pavilion (P112 in Area C of Delegations Pavilion 5)
10:00 AM

The Renewable Energy declaration, in partnership with Chemonics, will focus on developing interventions with key stakeholders interested in being part of the decentralized solar energy market in a manner that is collective, cohesive, and developmental. On November 11, the hub is set to host a session detailing the declaration as well as host a panel discussion addressing the solar sector in Egypt as well as the way forward for the initiative. The day is set to have attendees from the private sector, government entities, and financial and technical institutions. Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
12:30 PM

In efforts of promoting those who are walking the talk, the hub will have an array of discussions and showcasing slots where businesses advancing the climate agenda will get the opportunity to share their triumphs, advice, and promote all activities. Objectives of Showcasing Day: ● Illustrate the role of the private sector in supporting the climate agenda.
● Help businesses highlight their success stories and share knowledge
● Showcase practical ways in which this collaboration is set up and identify key learnings through success stories both regionally and locally.
● Highlight the role of strategies set in place to support private sector advancement

Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
1:30 PM

This session will reflect on the achievements of the UN Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator programme. No pre-registration required.

Blue Zone - ILO Just Transition Pavilion
Saturday, November 12, 2022
10:00 AM
In-Person and Livestreamed

Building resilience is a collective effort that requires a systems approach. It connects multiple components, including socio-economic, institutional and biophysical systems. Enhancing resilience with one aspect is not sufficient to build system resilience. We need to have a shared understanding of how individual stakeholders, ranging from local communities and businesses, to governments and other institutions, directly or indirectly engage in the process. We need practical tools and approaches to identify, act, measure, and report the impacts of resilience-building efforts. This session brings together practical work from key organizations in this space.
No Registration Required.

Click here for Livestream.

Blue Zone - Water Pavilion
10:30 AM
In-Person and Livestreamed

Panel discussion with questions and answers. This session will focus on the experiences of diverse companies in their journey towards ambitious science-based targets.  Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Livestreamed on the UN Global Compact YouTube.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
12:00 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

Panel discussion with questions and answers. This session will focus on the experiences of companies from Latin America and Spain in their journey towards ambitious science-based targets. Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.  Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Livestreamed on the UN Global Compact YouTube.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
2:00 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

This session will reflect on how companies of every sector can take actions to ensure that the transition to a net-zero economy is a just and inclusive transition. 

Livestreamed on the UN Global Compact YouTube channel and on Hopin.

Blue Zone - ICC Pavilion (P112 in Area C of Delegations Pavilion 5)
3:30 PM

Workshop with hands-on, practical exercises. This workshop will leverage some of the content developed by the UN Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator focused on better understanding GHG emissions measurement and the SBTi criteria and methodologies. Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
4:30 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

This session will explore positive examples of partnerships between national governments, cities and the private sector to demonstrate how public bodies and specialist organisations can collaborate to take action, develop solutions and share learnings and expertise to deliver climate-resilient water sectors and infrastructure critical to thriving cities. By sharing knowledge, tools and international best practice approaches, these partnerships can build capacity to deliver value now and for generations to come.

Click here for Livestream.

Blue Zone - Water Pavilion
6:30 PM

Decarbonizing shipping is critical for resilient global supply chains society relies upon. Developing zero-emission fuels, deploying Green Corridors, investing in port resilience and green jobs can support a just and equitable transition and address impacts faced by climate-vulnerable communities. 

No registration required.

Blue Zone - Thutmose Room
Monday, November 14, 2022

The corporate sector has a huge role to play in solving the water crisis and building long-term water resilience — both by reducing the water impacts of their own operations and value chains and by uniting through collective action to positively make change at basin and global scale. Join us as we launch a video series that showcases on-the-ground examples of how the members and partners of the Water Resilience Coalition have scaled successful projects. Get to know our story of rippling resilience through the direct experience of the people who are working on making a more resilient world. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
10:00 AM
In-Person and Livestreamed

The CEO Water Mandate’s Water Action Hub is an online collaboration and knowledge-sharing platform for water partners around the world. We are pleased to use this session to formally launch Water Action Hub 4.0, a new iteration of this platform featuring a new comprehensive solutions library, self-assessment tools for businesses, a map of existing water stewardship support tools, and more. We also invite businesses, NGOs, public agencies, and others to adopt the tool to support the development of water performance benchmarks and water-related collective action in at-risk basins worldwide. No registration required.

Click here for Livestream.

Blue Zone - Climate Action Hub
11:00 AM
In-Person and Livestreamed

This event will take you through a thought-provoking journey on how systematically one can build water resilience in times of climate uncertainties and other stresses. It will present why we need to worry about water when we talk about climate change. It presents an innovative solution to building resilience, and finally, it will present how it is pushing the edge of resilience thinking from the decision-makers, practitioners, and leaders in the field of resilience and climate change. We’ll produce a storyline that will have a moderating storyteller with recorded snippets to support the case. There will be two quick surveys [one to gauge how the audience sees the problem, and the second one on how they think differently after the session], time allocated for Q&A, and finally a synthesis with directions to engage, etc.
No registration required.

Click here for livestream.

Blue Zone - Climate Action Hub
2:00 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

This session will look to showcase how private sector collaborations can unleash new financial innovation models that unlock new sources of funding for water resiliency.  We will review the evolution of climate finance, lessons learned, and direct applications to address current financing gaps for water, natural ecosystems and community resilience. We will share current examples of innovations in water resilience financing and discuss opportunities to unlock new sources of funding and investments for water resilience, via blended finance, the capital markets, and catalytic capital from the private sector. 
No in-person registration required.

Click here for Livestream.

Blue Zone - Resilience Hub
4:00 PM

This event will outline how businesses worldwide can set 1.5C and net-zero-aligned science-based targets across the value chain. This event will unpick the scope 3 challenge and outline the approach that the SBTi is taking to enable companies to align with climate science across all scopes. Register Now.

Blue Zone - Business Pavillion
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
5:00 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

Faced with worsening water-related impacts of climate change, we must urgently accelerate transformational NBS for adaptation. Key to this is prioritizing effective, equitable and just stakeholder engagement & locally led projects and innovative approaches to securing financing, like the new Africa NbS Clearing House. No in-person registration required.

Click here for Livestream.

Blue Zone - Water Pavilion
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
9:00 AM

The transition towards a net-zero economy represents an opportunity to transform development paradigms and build economies that are resilient to global trends. This event will explore how science-based target setting can help companies build resilient business models and will identify and discuss barriers and opportunities to accelerate and mainstream climate alignment in the Global South.
No registration required.

Blue Zone - Panda Pavilion
10:00 AM

The Ocean Action Day at COP27 will gather Heads of State, IPLCs’ leaders, businesses, UN organizations, scientific institutions, experts and practitioners alongside climate-ocean focused initiatives and NGO leaders. The event will call for unity, raised ambition, increased finance and ocean-based climate action to accelerate mitigation pathways and support ongoing resilience and adaptation needs. No registration required.

Blue Zone - Climate Action Room
10:30 AM

In line with the governments of Egypt and the UAE respectively hosting COP27 and COP28, the UN Global Compact Network Egypt is partnering with the UN Global Compact Network UAE to engage governments, UN representatives, civil societies, and business leaders in discussions around net-zero commitments and emission reduction targets. The session will feature three panel discussions which will address: 1. The UAE and Egypt climate strategies and the importance to engage the private sector with climate action in support of their respective Nationally Determined Contributions 2. Key and expected outcomes from the COPs, their legacies and how the latter shape and accelerate the climate agenda and private sector engagement with climate action 3. Business leadership in accelerating science based targets roadmaps through the UN Global Compact Climate Ambition Accelerator Program.  Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
Thursday, November 17, 2022
10:30 AM

International Launch of the UN Global Compact Network Italy Position Paper
The event will be the occasion to internationally launch the position paper on the commitment of companies in the sustainable management of the supply chains - focusing in particular on the reduction of scope 3 emissions; the promotion and protection of human and labour rights; the management of negative externalities through circular solutions. The document is the result of the work that the Italian Network of the UN Global Compact has been carrying out since February 2022 together with a group of over 30 UNGC participant companies, particularly sensitive and engaged on the issue.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
12:30 PM

Land-based emissions make up 22% of global greenhouse gasses. Addressing this emissions gap is paramount for net-zero. The SBTi Forest, Land and Agriculture Guidance is the world’s first Standard for land-based emissions reductions and removals in line with climate science.
No Registration Required.

Blue Zone - Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Pavilion
1:00 PM

On the day of youth engagement the event will be hosted by the UN Global Compact Network Egypt in partnership with youthinkgreen Egypt and YOUNGO, the official UNFCCC constituency of Youth and children. This event aims to be the middle ground between young individuals and the private sector; creating a space for dialogue, sharing ideas along with success stories in order to advance the climate agenda locally, regionally, and globally. The event is divided into panel discussions, fireside chats, and roundtable discussions. The event will have speakers from various sectors: academic, international organizations, civil society, private sector, and governments. The objective is to engage stakeholders in an impactful dialogue with the aim to bridge the gap, empower the younger generation, and understand the middle ground that will result in disentangling the ambiguity around engaging young people in a positive and effectual manner. Hosted by UN Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Egypt. No registration required.

Green Zone - Climate Ambition Hub - Hall E2 - O1
3:00 PM
In-Person and Livestreamed

The WASH4Work initiative is a coalition of global businesses and WASH expert stakeholders collaborating to address our global SDG Goal 6 to achieve universal access to WASH by 2030.  The business community recognizes that access to WASH needs to be a part of climate resilience strategies. 

In this session, the WASH4Work initiative will launch a Climate Resilient WASH Framework for Business with guidance for more businesses to take action to ensure access to climate-resilient WASH across operations, supply chains, and in communities where they operate. 

Click here for Livestream.

Blue Zone - Water Pavilion
5:30 PM

Businesses must ensure climate plans aren’t based on science-fiction. Climate ambitions and actions must be science-based. This means urgent and immediate action for implementation on the ground in line with halving emissions this decade and achieving net-zero before 2050. No registration required.

Blue Zone - Climate Education Hub
6:30 PM

Join members of the SBTi at this networking event to socialize and connect with sustainability and business leaders attending COP 27. Register Now.

Blue Zone - Panda Pavilion
Time Zone: (UTC+03:00) Cairo [Change Time Zone]