
Monday, August 5, 2024
9:45 AM

The High-Level CEO Panel focusing on Leadership for Sustainability will bring together top CEOs from the Asia-Pacific region to discuss their vision, strategies, and actions for advancing sustainability within their operations and beyond. This session will provide a platform for business leaders to share their experiences and insights on driving sustainable development, responding to global sustainability challenges, and accelerating the sustainability agenda in the Asia & Oceania region. The discussion will involve leadership approaches, successful sustainability initiatives, collaboration and partnerships, managing crises situations while prioritizing sustainability and more.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
11:00 AM

The SDG Stocktake Report by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture is an annual publication released in 2023 that evaluates the progress of businesses in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how companies globally are integrating the SDGs into their business strategies, operations, and reporting. It serves as a vital tool for tracking corporate contributions to the SDGs, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering a collaborative approach to sustainable development. This session will host a panel discussion featuring distinguished leaders from various sectors to discuss the progress, challenges, and opportunities related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Asia and Oceania region. 

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
1:45 PM

In this session, participants will hear from business leaders and practitioners on scalable solutions for promoting gender equality in senior management and making the workplace a more inclusive and equal place for women.

CR-E2-02, Tiered 120 (Level 2, East Wing)
1:45 PM

In this session, we will explore the importance of sustainable finance in promoting the Global Goals. We will delve into how sustainable finance practices can drive economic growth while fostering a healthier planet and society. Learn from industry experts about sustainable financial instruments including green bonds, ESG investing, and the latest trends shaping the future of finance. How should we understand and take advantage of global impact and finance trends to valorize social value, what is the potential of blended finance to address systemic risk in social infrastructure, and how can financial institutions as well as other businesses respond to changes in corporate behavior? The session will explore these questions through concrete examples of financial initiatives and instruments and through perspectives from stakeholders across Asia.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
3:05 PM

Global Compact Network Boards not only provide strategic guidance and insight to the Networks, they also play a strong role in helping the Networks pivot to the critical national and private sector priorities, translate the UN Global Compact strategy locally and champion the work of the UN Global Compact. From Forward Faster signatory companies, to SDG Pioneers, to the sounding board for ideas and solutions, the Network Board members have been at the forefront of SDG action in their respective countries. This exclusive session will serve to convene Board members from across Global Compact Network Boards in a first of its kind session to connect, communicate and collaborate on common challenges and opportunities. Select representatives from the government and the UN will also be invited to share their views on high level leadership collaboration.

CR-W2-04, Flat 40 (Level 2, West Wing)
3:05 PM

In this dynamic panel discussion, young executives and future business leaders envision the future of ESG and corporate sustainability Participants will get a chance to hear of select innovative SDG solutions emerging from young executives that have participated in the SDG Innovation Accelerator Programme and how their ideas are charting new paths within their companies.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
4:45 PM

The evolving regulatory landscape regarding sustainability regulations is catalyzing significant change in the Asia & Oceania region. As borders break and silos dissolve, changes in one part of the world are compelling others to align their policies and practices to remain competitive in global markets. This is driving a fundamental transformation in the region's approach to sustainability and ESG policies. Participants will hear from stock exchange regulators and MNCs on how the region is responding to the evolving regulatory landscape nationally, regionally and globally.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
4:45 PM

This session examines the multiplicity of the complexities of food systems within the region and the role of the private sector within it. The need of the hour being the transformation of food systems from the current production practices which have proven to be inadequate. The panelists will delve into best practices and challenges faced by their respective organisations, innovative steps and processes adopted to improve food production, storage and quality, and the importance of adopting and increasing sustainable practices in food production. The discussion will further reiterate the need for focus on safeguarding and building food systems, taking into account the effect of climate change on food systems.

CR-E2-02, Tiered 120 (Level 2, East Wing)
6:30 PM
Nusantara Ballroom 2 & 3, Sheraton Imperial KL
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
9:45 AM

The session will focus on the pivotal role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in driving sustainable economic growth and development across the region. SMEs constitute a significant portion of businesses in the Asia-Pacific, contributing to employment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. However, they also face unique challenges in adopting sustainable practices due to limited resources and capacity. This session will explore strategies for enhancing SME sustainability, including green technologies, circular economy principles, and access to finance.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
10:45 AM

The "Sustainability Spotlight" session is a key highlight of the Forward Faster Now | Asia & Oceania event, focusing on the sustainability journeys of three exemplary companies. The session is designed to be an inspiring and informative experience for all attendees. By showcasing the journeys, challenges, and successes of leading companies, this session aims to motivate and equip businesses to pursue their own ambitious sustainability targets. This session will provide attendees with in-depth case study presentations, showcasing how these companies have navigated their paths toward ambitious sustainability targets, the challenges encountered, and the strategies implemented to integrate sustainability into their core business operations.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
11:15 AM

This session will celebrate the remarkable achievements of the UN Global Compact’s SDG Pioneers, individuals who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in advancing sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The panel will feature a diverse group of SDG Pioneers from various countries, sharing their inspiring stories, journeys, and innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. This session aims to inspire and motivate attendees to accelerate their own sustainability efforts.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
12:00 PM

The "Launch of Impact Stories - Asia & Oceania Region" session will unveil a groundbreaking publication that showcases the remarkable sustainability initiatives and achievements of member companies from 15 country networks across the Asia & Oceania region. These impact stories span various thematic areas including gender equality, living wage, sustainable finance, climate action, and more, providing a comprehensive look at the innovative and effective strategies employed by businesses to drive sustainable development in the Asia & Oceania region.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
1:45 PM

This information session aims to introduce the UN Global Compact initiative to anyone who is interested in learning more about the initiative, providing a comprehensive overview of its history, principles, and the value it brings to companies. The session includes a presentation, a panel discussion with the One Global Compact community representatives, and a Q&A segment.

CR-E2-03, Flat Flexi 60 (Level 2, East Wing)
1:45 PM

This session on AI and sustainability in the Asia-Pacific region will examine the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in addressing pressing environmental and social challenges. With the Asia-Pacific facing issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and urbanization, innovative technologies like AI offer new avenues for sustainable development. This session will explore the intersection of technology and sustainability, and its potential to drive positive change in the region, when used ethically and responsibly.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
3:35 PM

This session will acknowledge and celebrate the Forward Faster signatories from the region and invite select companies to share their journey so far and the road ahead. The session will also serve to close the 2-day regional event with a summary of outcomes and next steps.

Khazanah Auditorium (Level 1, West Wing)
Time Zone: (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur [Change Time Zone]